< Contact >
Observational Astrophysics Lab.Division of Physics, Faculty of
Pure and Applied Sciences,
University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki, 305-8571, Japan
EMAIL: kuno.nario.gt AT u.tsukuba.ac.jp
TopPage » Antarctica Telescope WS 2023/12/16-17
* Nearest bus stop: "Daiichi Area Mae" (第一エリア前) with the bus "Tsukuba Daigaku Junkan, Migi-Mawari" (筑波大学循環・右回り)
* How to access U Tsukuba
Registration with talk by 24th November 2023
Registration without talk is open until 15th December 2023
This is open to researchers and students in related fields. Participant registration is required, there is no registration fee. All presentaions will be given via hybrid. Zoom URL will be sent to participants at a later date.
Antarctica Astronomy WS: China-Japan Meeting
This workshop is designed to promote exchanges between Japanese and Chinese researchers with a strong interest in Antarctic astronomy.
Japanese Antarctic Astronomy Consortium is leading 30-cm submillimeter-wave telescope and 12-m terahertz telescope projects in Dome Fuji station II.
China is also planning to construct a terahertz telescope in Dome A (DATE5). Since the observations using the Optical Infrared Telescope in Dome A (AST3) was already performed, China has extensive experience of the Antarctica astronomy.
The cooperation between the two countries will be very important in order to establish an international astronomical observatory in Antarctica in the future.
Therefore, this workshop will provide an opportunity to exchange information on the activities of Japan and China in Antarctic astronomy.
This workshop will be held as a research meeting of the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR).
This workshop will be held as a research meeting of the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR).

16th (Sat) December 2023Location
Institutes of Natural Sciences B 118 (Seminar Room) in University of Tsukuba* Nearest bus stop: "Daiichi Area Mae" (第一エリア前) with the bus "Tsukuba Daigaku Junkan, Migi-Mawari" (筑波大学循環・右回り)
* How to access U Tsukuba
Closed:Registration without talk is open until 15th December 2023
This is open to researchers and students in related fields. Participant registration is required, there is no registration fee. All presentaions will be given via hybrid. Zoom URL will be sent to participants at a later date.
Main talks
Morning Session | ||
09:30 | Opening address | |
09:35 | Sheng-Cai Shi PMO |
"Recent sub-millimeter astronomy programs in China" |
10:00 | Nario Kuno U Tsukuba |
"Recent activities on Antarctic astronomy in Japan" |
10:25 | Cheng-Gang Shu Shanghai Normal U |
"Development of LCT" |
10:50 | Break | |
11:00 | Masumichi Seta Kwansei Gakuin U |
"Development of 30-cm telescope receiver" |
11:25 | TBD ---- |
"Astronomical observations in. Chinese Antarctic Research Stations" |
11:50 | Shunsuke Honda U Tsukuba |
"Development of MKID camera receiver" |
Afternoon Session | ||
13:30 | Takuya Hashimoto U Tsukuba |
"Science target with Antarctic Terahertz astronomy" |
13:55 | Yuan Ren PMO |
"Terahertz Experiment on the Antarctic Dome A" |
14:20 | Hiroshi Matsuo NAOJ |
"Development of Terahertz interferometer" |
14:45 | Ayako Niwa U Tsukuba |
"Development of photon detectors for terahertz intensity interferometry" |
15:10 | Break | |
15:20 | Yi-Ping Ao PMO |
"Submillimeter Astronomy with Upcoming Facilities at PMO" |
15:45 | Tomohiro Koseki U Tsukuba |
"Toward Laboratory Intensity Interferometer Experiments" |
16:10 | Dragan Salak Hokkaido U |
"Galactic outflows traced by THz molecular line" |
16:35 | Closing remark |
- Hiroshi Matsuo (NAOJ, Japan)
- Sheng-Cai Shi (PMO, China)
- Jing Li (PMO, China)
- Nario Kuno (U Tsukuba, Japan)