
10:00-10:25 | 本多俊介 | JCMT SCUBA2/POL2を用いたかに星雲の偏光観測 |
10:25-10:40 | 森 滉平 | 棒渦巻銀河NGC1300のバーパターン速度測定について |
10:40-11:05 | 柴田 和樹 | NGC 3627におけるガスダイナミクスと星形成活動性の関係に関する研究 |
11:05-11:15 | 休憩 | |
11:15-11:40 | SUPHAPOLTHAWORN Suphakorn | Spatially resolved dust properties and variations of CO-to-H2 conversion factor in NGC 3627 |
11:40-11:55 | 邨瀬 史伎 | Preparation for observations of infalling gas from galactic halos |
13:30-13:50 | 大久保 宏真 | Interpretation of Molecular Emission Line Distribution in the Starburst Ring of NGC 1068 Using Principal Component Analysis |
13:50-14:10 | 浜田 佳澄 | Estimating molecular gas in galaxies by mid-infrared |
14:10-14:30 | 後藤 虎斗 | 環境効果が銀河の星形成に及ぼす影響に関する研究 |
14:30-14:40 | 休憩 | |
14:40-15:00 | 濵 響子 | Contribution of atomic gas for star formation in nearby galaxies |
15:00-15:15 | 佐々木誇虎 | 分子雲進化シミュレーションのデンドログラムによる解析 |
15:15-15:40 | 清水一揮 | 渦巻銀河における形態学的特徴の検出手法の開発 |
10:00-10:25 | 徂徠 和夫 | Development of Automatic Reduction Tools for Observational Data of Radio Astronomy (AURORA) |
10:25-10:45 | 半田宙也 | Development of the spectrometer for Antarctic 30 cm submillimeter telescope |
10:45-11:00 | 山崎豪 | Design of IF box for Antarctic 30cm Telescope |
11:00-11:10 | 休憩 | |
11:10-11:30 | 李豪純 | 100-GHz帯連続波観測に向けたAl-NbTiNハイブリッドMKIDの設計 |
11:30-11:45 | 井上 昴 | design Double Slot Antenna for 850 GHz MKID development |
11:45-12:00 | 佐藤 優馬 | Characterization of NbTiN and fabrication of Al and Nb hybrid MKID |
13:30-13:45 | 大曽根渉 | Line ratio diagnostics of member galaxies in high-z protocluster A2744-z7p9OD |
13:45-14:10 | 馬渡健 | 赤方偏移6.8銀河のJWST観測研究 |
14:10-14:35 | Dragan Salak | Molecular outflow in the reionization-epoch quasar J2054-0005 revealed by OH 119 um observations |
14:35-14:45 | 休憩 | |
14:45-15:05 | 瀧元 健伸 | Interim Report on My Study of the Multi-line Analysis about Molecular Gas Outflow in NGC 4945 |
15:05-15:30 | Miao Wenyao | Gas outflow in nearby galaxy NGC1482 |
15:30-15:45 | 戸松 勇登 | Observation of short-timescale visible variable of AGNs with Tomo-e Gozen |
- 小関知宏
- 濵響子
- liang SHAO HUA